In a startup, milestones are important as both checkpoints as well as motivators. Checkpoints in that you know that you’ve achieved a goal and a motivator to move towards the next goal. The milestone we reached today was the hiring of our first employees. Rose joins as Director of Content while Kyle joins as a Web Developer. Both new team members bring energy, talent, and experience to their positions as well as passion for helping students achieve academic success. Both also understand and have experienced the demands and rewards of working at a startup which, for early stage employees, is critical to our overall success. Both also have varied and interesting academic backgrounds.

Rose has several diplomas, two undergraduate degrees, and a masters. She has also taught, assisted professors, learned on every major learning platform, and understands the strengths and weaknesses of online learning. She shall bring the tremendous amount of experience she has to improve our course content and ensure that whatever we produce is academically sound.

Kyle attended the University of Tulsa as an NCAA student athlete and returned to Canada after graduation. Since his return he has worked at startups including those in online learning. His focus over the past four years has been on user experience and design. That focus shall continue as we seek to improve our learning interfaces and better communicate with students.
I am thankful that Rose and Kyle chose to join Minute School. Over the coming months, you shall learn more about them as they share their experiences through our blog.