How to Get Into Medical School
Have you wanted to be a doctor for as long as you can remember? Need some advice on how to up your chances of getting into medical school before writing your MCAT? Here are some tips I have learned as a science student. Choose your courses...

Celebrate World Kindness Day
Today is World Kindness Day. Looking for some easy ways you can celebrate? I have got 10 ideas for you: Smile at everyone that crosses your path. Give out at least 5 compliments. Bring treats to your office. Make a donation or donate your time to a charity. Pay for...

Helping Tackle Seasonal Affective Disorder
With the weather getting colder and the days getting shorter, it’s easy to fall into a slump. Personally, cold weather makes me want to bundle up in layers of blankets and forget about my responsibilities. Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is...

How to Finish the Term Strong
As midterm season comes to an end, we can start to think about the rest of the term ahead of us. Personally, I tend to lose a lot of motivation towards school work around this time in the term. Here are 4 tips I have found that help me motivate...

Tips to Improve Your Presentation Skills as a Student
Preparing for your first university presentation can be nerve-racking. You’re probably only used to presenting in front of small classes in a casual manner. In some programs, you’ll have to do presentations fairly frequently, so it helps to get...

Making the most out of Halloween
In case you haven’t checked your calendar, it is almost Halloween! Whether you face the pressures of finding that perfect Halloween costume or are filled with excitement as we approach this favourite fun day, these ideas can help you to make...

Last Minute Study Tips
So you waited to study 'til the last minute? I get it. Sometimes procrastination gets the best of us, and you find yourself with less than 24 hours left to study for an exam. Here’s how to perform best with the little time you have left: START...

How to get better sleep this midterm season
We have all experienced the late night tossing and turning at some point in our lives. With midterm season upon us and academic pressures increasing, it can sometimes feel impossible to get a good night’s sleep. Whether you have trouble falling...

Midterm Aftermath: What Just Happened to my High School Grades?
We’ve all been through it: the huge grade drop you see between your high school grades and your first midterm mark in college. I graduated high school with a 95% average, and I failed my first university calculus midterm. When you dream of...

4 Student Tips for Staying Warm this Season
As fall comes to an end and the temperatures begin to drop (well, depending on where you live), how can we manage to stay warm throughout the harsh winter months? Whether you look forward to that first snowfall or have already started counting...