World Wildlife Day #DoOneThingToday

World Wildlife Day #DoOneThingToday

In December 2013, the United Nations declared March 3rd as World Wildlife Day – a day to celebrate and raise awareness on wild flora and fauna all around the world. Today, one in five species is at risk of extinction…by the end of the century, this...
NASA’s Discovery

NASA’s Discovery

Planetary systems are complex and interesting things. They are composed of stars, planets orbiting around the stars, moons orbiting around planets, asteroid belts, dust and rocks, and more. If the planets are too close to the star, it is too hot for life to develop....
A Mid-Semester Morning’s Ennui

A Mid-Semester Morning’s Ennui

At this point in the term, you are probably hitting a wall. You may have missed a few classes…or weeks of classes. You may have missed a handful of assignments…a couple of tutorials perhaps. You may even be re-thinking your degree. University / college...
Why You Should Learn French

Why You Should Learn French

Are you interested in learning a foreign language? Keep on reading for 7 reasons why you should learn French… An International Language With over 220 million people speaking French around the world, French is the sixth most widely spoken language across the...
Pink Shirt Day

Pink Shirt Day

Today is Pink Shirt Day. It is an awareness day about bullying; to start conversations, to show support for those who experience / have experienced bullying, and, to take a stand against bullying. The history around this day is unique. Pink Shirt Day arose out of a...